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Psychiatrie V.S. Psychology

Psychiatric threathment is not good for anyone who is looking for a way to solve a personal problem. Psychiatric threatment does not heal, it only kills and disables the human mind, to eliminate a (possible) effect of a personal problem. The only way to be able to heal from a personal problem is the bieleve that the problem should/does not exist. Psychiatric doctors try to learn people with problems that they are ill wich makes them ill for the rest of their lives. It is natural to believe that a problem does not exist just because it shouldn\'t. I am not telling psychiatry is bad for all people, just for the ones seeking for and believing in a natural solution for their personal problem(s) wich may have causes able to be eliminated/solved by natural means, causes wich would get solved automaticly in time or causes wich would just require a personal focus on a positive (personal) development in wich the person having problems is able to reset him/herself and the causes for any earlyer recognized/experienced personal problem no longer exist or affect his/her personal developments. The human mind is a to complex structure to be structured with psychiatric treatment and psychiatric medication, however simple ones origin of state of mind may seem. Simply the believe that his/her personal developments are needed for others to build further on, wich they are in all cases, may enable us to enable all people to find a way for him/herself to \'remain\' and to be accepted by all of us. Mitch Plat

Naar forum Psychiatrie



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